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Successful Ohioana Festival


I am coming down from a wonderful experience as an author who participated in the 2015 Ohioana Book Festival. It was so nice to meet the organizers and coordinators especially the ones I was in e-mail contact with for the festival. They were so warm and welcoming. Great job Ohioana and thank you sponsors. You made it extra special.

What a great group of authors! It was amazing to look out over the Sheraton's ballroom at the gathering of Ohio writers. We did Ohio proud! I met so many wonderful people, some with stories to share- thank you each and everyone who stopped by my table to chat or buy a book.

I shared my table with author Claire G. who wrote "The Last Blacksmith." Her story sounded so fascinating that I bought a book. I am so glad to have met and shared the experience of the festival with Claire. She made the experience fun and interesting. Best of Luck and Write On, Claire.

I was so happy to see my friends and fellow writers, Linda and Debra from my hometown. They are so supportive. Deb is having two books published this year. Deb is about to embark on a wonderful journey of being a published author.

I and four historical fiction authors including Claire, chaired a panel discussion titled, "Historical Fiction- Stories Set in Real Places & Times." We had a capacity crowd. Thank you all who attended our panel discusssion-you asked great questions and we enjoyed the interaction with you.

The day ended with a reception at the Govenor's Residence. Tents were sent up in the Heritage Gardens, a fantastic jazz band played and Honda provided a spread of food that was awesome. It was pouring rain and 44 degrees but we had a great time (the heaters were a blessing). It was so nice to bond with my fellow authors at the reception and to be able to give credit to the organizers and sponsors. Afterwards, we were offered a tour of the governor's home. WOW. The place does homage to Ohio as well as the gardens, and I felt good to see my tax dollars so well spent.

A long journey home capped the day. My husband got us safely home and I was as happy to see my furry pals as they were to see me.

I hope the next book can get me into Ohioana again so I can have that wonderful experience again.

THANK YOU READERS FOR BUYING MY BOOK, RUM RUN. You inspire me to write on.

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